This last weekend my dad came home because Kara became a lieutenant in the United States Army!!! And graduated from college on sat, what accomplishments!!! It was a good weekend, I had a really long day at work on Friday, so after I went to my mom's to shoot the stuff. She is always makes me feel better after rotten days. Then on Saturday morning Brandon, my parents, the kids, and I went to see Santa at camp St. Croix. It was fun, but we almost didn't get Hunter out the door. Brandon made the mistake of telling Hunter that he (Hunter) was scared of Santa, so much that Hunter started to believe him and didn't want to see Santa. So, then when Brandon realized that he shouldn't have said anything he told Hunter that we needed to go see him because they were going to beat him up- isn't that horrible- but it worked so then Hunter wanted to go. Men, I will never understand their testosterone! Needless to say that by the time Hunter saw Santa he had forgotten that he was there to beat him up0- thank goodness. And both Hunter and Lexi asked for the "appropriate" gifts from Santa, just like I had coached them too!!!- makes my life easier. Now, if I can just get all the presents wrapped in time.
After visiting Santa my dad came and Jackie and Jamie came over and we had a very nice Christmas meal and opening of presents. My dad is such an amazingly good cook, sometimes I think he missed his calling.
Then after eating myself into a coma, I decided it is probably time to start concentrating on my body again. So, yesterday I hit the Y and went over to my mom's for dinner with the kids. It was a good evening. The drive home from her house was cold and the roads were not the greatest. But again proved that Lexi is diffidently my worrier. "Mom, keep both hands on the wheel, don't you think you are going to fast, Hunter be quiet, mom needs to concentrate, I don't like the winter!" She also was able to repeat what the forecast would be for the next four days, when she watches the weather on TV- I don't know.
Brandon is doing well after his big V on Thursday. A little swollen but able to move and help out with the kids. His back is not in the best of working condition but much much better then a few weeks ago. He actually vacuumed yesterday- amazing. I think we will leave 2008 on a good note.
Oh, yeah, I got really positive review at work on Thursday, God must have known I needed a pick me up and my co-workers ;).
I think Brook is teething again, she is a drooling machine and I noticed today that her gum is swollen and actually bruised- poor thing. Of course we are still fighting runny noses- pretty much sure we will until June.
Today, Brandon and I were laying in bed and didn't really want to get out of the warm covers quite yet so we sent Hunter to wake up Lexi for school. He was so cute, he tried everything for kissing her, to yelling at her, to singing her a song- what a good little man.
I amazed at how much Lexi is reading, she is really getting it, which of course I was nervous about since I struggle so much when I was younger, with it.
Back to my ten minute list:
Things that scare me:
Snakes, snakes, and snakes. I often have dreams that snakes are crawling all over my skin. My heart starts pumping just thinking of them. Weirdly, when I first met Brandon his roommate had a snake and I wanted to impress him so I kissed the snake, man that took alot.
Another thing that I am scared of is forgetting all day that I have another patient. So, all day I tend to my other patients and at 2:30 right before I leave I realize I have not even looked at this person. Oh man that would terrible.
But most of all I am scared that something could happen to the children. I worry that we could be in car accident or one of them would get a terrible life-threatening disease. I don't know how I would live without one of them, tears come to my eyes even thinking of such a thing. In fact, I can't write more on this.
Until next time...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Baby, it is cold outside
Posted by erikaschurtz at 10:05 AM 1 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Hunter says some of the sweetest things:
Looking at wedding picture of me in our bedroom, "Look mom, you are princess and so pretty."
And in the middle of the night, as he crawls into bed with me, he says, "Mom, can you go and get my blanket, it is blue with white clouds on it, thanks." Like I have never seen his blanket. And later that night he farts and whispers in Brandon's ear, "Daddy, do you think God farts?"-- so cute.
Two days ago Brook slammed the door in her face and has a perfect straight bruise down her left cheek.
I found out my dad is coming next week for two days, I am excited.
Tonight I am going to Sara's annual Christmas party, which I am also very excited for and I think Brandon might come with me.
Posted by erikaschurtz at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tis the Season
Oh my where do I start? Life got really crazy the past month. Brandon went into the hunting season with great hopes of taking home another trophy buck, unfortunately, fate step in and he threw his back out again. It all started after a few days of bowing hunting and walking the hills. It started as a normal low back ache and the quickly turned into a life alternating event, not only for him but all of us. Life quickly started spirally down down and down. Brandon spent almost the entire day on his hands and knees with horrible pain shooting down his sciatic nerve. He could stand for approximately one minute before having dropping down to the ground. He was unable to help with anything, he did all he could do with kids while I worked more then usual trying desperately to make money for him being laid off. Both his mom and my mom did all they could do to. The kids would want him to play with them and he couldn't, he was on multiple meds that completely changed his personality making him agitated and spaced, with emptiness behind his eyes. It was very trying and difficult times. We went to the doctor multiple times, he had MRI on Monday of this week, but we have not heard any results. Luckily, however, Brandon has started to feel better on his own. He still has a lot pain but not nearly as bad, he is able to help and play with kids, he even snuck out this morning for a hunt. He is no longer taking his meds as often and the man I married is back. And I am so happy!!!!! Challenges are so hard and there is times when I don't know if we can get through another lay off, another health issues, another disagreement. But when we get through it and look back it feels so good. And we are stronger for it. A good friend told me once "A relationship takes alot of work, you always have to be working on it." Which is a "duh", but means so much to me and I needed someone to simple say to me, it is not going to always be easy but it is not suppose to be. When I think of this it gives me strength for another step.
On one more sad note before I move onto my beautiful children. We have scheduled Brandon's big V for next Thursday. I am completely grieving for this. Brandon didn't really want a third and I got it. So a forth to him is completely out of the question. And money doesn't grow on trees and Brandon and I will never have enough for three we have. I would be taking away opportunities from their perfect souls. So, if I made the decision to have another child, it would only be for selfish reasons. Consequently, the snip is going to happen.
Ok, so what has been happening with kids?
We had thanksgiving at Judie's (it was beautiful and so good like usual) and Hunter sang "I am going to love you forever, like you always, and as long as I am alive, my baby you will be." In front of everyone, it was adorable.
He is really into speed racer right now and goes around the house singing and dancing to "go speed racer go."
The day after thanksgiving I had promised Lexi that we would put up the tree and decorations,she gets really excited for these things. So at about six thirty in the morning I woke to her face about four inches away "Mama can you get the decorations out now." I explained to her that we would have to wait until Brook went down for her nap otherwise it would be difficult. So, all morning every twenty minutes "Mom, can you put her down now." "NO Lexi she has only been awake for an hour" Finally, I couldn't take the wining anymore and I started getting the decorations up from the basement. As I opened the boxes the kids were oohing and ahhing. And Brook, just like I knew she would be, was into everything. Finally, Lexi starts getting frustrated with her taking things away, saying don't touch that, don't do that. She looks at me with tears beginning "Mom, this is not working for me, please put them to bed."- I felt so bad. I soon put Brook to bed and Lexi, Hunter, and I put the tree up. It was so cute to see Hunter recognizing the tree this year. He kept saying to me "It is so beautiful, the tree is so beautiful, I love it." Those things got to make you smile.
Lately, we have been playing musical beds at night. Last night Hunter started in our bed then went his big bed then back to ours and then finally ending in the crib. Brook started in the crib, went to my rocking arms, then to crib, then to the pack and play, then my arms again, then daddy's chest, then the crib, the my rocking arms again, then finally ending in between us in our bed- crazy!! I just have to remind myself they are only this old for a little while and I will miss it someday.
I have almost all my children's presents bought!!!! I love amazon.
Some notes about the pictures I recently posted. Brook loves to dance, she goes up to the CD player and the kitchen pointing to it, as I play music she puts one arm up in the air and spins. Right before Brandon back went bad they had a good time dancing in the kitchen. I love the picture of Brook by the tree, the colors are great, and blurriness gives it a magical feel. The photo of Jackie and Jamie is from thanksgiving- they couldn't be more perfect!!!!
Until next time.
Posted by erikaschurtz at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Smells Make You Remember Good Times
This past weekend Lexi was sick with ear infection, I brought her to quick clinic on Saturday morning, she fought me the whole way saying this isn't a real doctor, I explained to her that "No, this is a really doctor in fact it is my doctor and my friend Cyndy Bast, you will like her." Finally, I get her in the room everything goes well and while we were leaving I asked Lexi what she thought and she said, "I like her, she smelled real good." Isn't funny how smells is what children remember and associate things with. Like I still love the smell of my little ponies and the smell of Gain laundry detergent, it reminds me of my grandma. Or the smell of homemade chicken noodle soup.
Needless to say Lexi is feeling much better, and last night I took her to the movie "High School Musical 3, Senior Year." We ended up being the only one's seeing the movie, Lexi couldn't get over it, saying "This is so weird, I mean really really" It was funny to watch her look everywhere with eyes big and looking back at the projector. I could tell she felt uncomfortable, that we were the only ones there.
Hunter has been doing awesome with no diaper thing, he hasn't had any accidents for me, but continues to request a diaper, totally his security blanket right now and that is ok. He also has been requesting to sleep in his "big boy bed" which I also very excited about because that might mean that Brooklyn will no longer be in our room and we can watch tv and read before bed again! I miss our conversations before bed, I use to say they were the only time that Brandon and I "really" talked all day and I miss my scrap mags--I am nerdy they are practically the only thing I read right now at this point in my life.
This weekend since Brandon was hunting everyday (no luck) the girls and I went out to the willow to watch Stampeed, it was so much fun. I love dancing, even if I do occasionally fall with my best friend--thats ok just means we are really having a good time. We laughed and laughed and laughed. Music always puts me in a better mood. The kids and I have been dancing to Sugarland in the kitchen at nights lately they love it and it gets us moving.
I just thought of this funny thing Lexi said this weekend after taking NightQuil "It tastes like candy and smells like a Christmas tree."--Funny
We have decided that this year due to Brandon being layed off and the economy in the dumps that we are only getting our children presents. I feel bad but better to have a house over head-right? I keep thinking about the day when everyone isn't in such a pinch- hopefully that day will come eventually. At least, yesterday, I filled up my car for $1.96 a gallon, unbelievable I actually never thought I would see gas prices that low again in my life.
So my aunt Sue told me an interesting stat this weekend at my mom Sunday night dinner, she said "Only 15% of women have blogs." So, maybe I don't need a blog to be in the twenty first century but it is away for me to log our family events and right about things for future scrapbook pages. So, some of the stuff I write might not always make sense or be spelled right but that is ok, it makes sense to us-right?. And if anyone of reading this would like to say something back you can under comments or email me, I would love to hear from you. So, I have the make a ten minute list of.... (different questions that make us "us") so I am going to have a list once and while and if anyone wants to do one for themselves and email me, I would love it. Everyone knows my passion is scrapping.
Question: Make a 10 minute list of you personal accomplishments/milestones
My biggest accomplishment was marrying Brandon, even though we have up and downs, he is my true love, more then just a lover or friend, something I can't describe. My life would be completely different if I had never met him, I have no idea where I would be right now- not here. My three greatest gifts came from him which are my next biggest accomplishments. My children rock my world they make me know that someone so much bigger, then us is out there. They make me inspire to be a better person everyday, I am totally amazed that I get to be their mom, sometimes I look at them, I don't even believe they came from me. They are just so perfect! My next accomplishment of course was getting my nursing degree. It was really hard but I did it and know I have a dream job, I get to help people everyday and there is no bigger reward then that, knowing I affected someones life- it is great- of course stressful because if you make a mistake, you can also ruin a life, but it is still great. I hope future I go back to school and get another academic accomplishment. We will see.................and that's it for my ten minutes today.
One more thing before I go, Sunday night dinners are the greatest. I love that my family gets together to reconnect and explore each other. Oh and the food is good to, comfort food.
Posted by erikaschurtz at 7:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: smells, ten minute accomplishments
Friday, November 7, 2008
One more thing....
Brooklyn started saying "Bubas" for bubbles -so cute.
Posted by erikaschurtz at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Blog Blog Blog
Ok so my goal today is to get down the seven loads of laundry staring me in the face. We will see, it is not so much the switching of loads I mind or even the folding it is the putting away that I despise.
Yesterday, Lexi had her first grade concert, entitled, Harvest Celebration. Each class sang a song, it was cute. Lexi was in the front row and dead center, which was nice for my amateur videoing. The day didn't start off so good, unfortunately Lexi is in a stage where she doesn't like anything I pick out for her to wear. The things I pick tend to match and are appropriate for the weather, unlike most of her decisions. Her and I end up fighting, which means she is very sassy and talks back to me and I end up losing my cool and yelling. Then tears start to falling hot and heavy from her and I ended up giving in some way or another, because I feel bad. It really is a vicious circle. Brandon is always telling me not to give her options and not to give in. But each day ends up going the same. I dread mornings in this house. Anyways, so this happened again yesterday, because I wanted her to wear a skirt for the concert and she didn't like it. Stating "Mom, I don't like it, I want to wear a dress but I don't have anything because you got rid of all my clothes. You don't get my style." With the I am snot head bob going. I got mad and then she won't let me do anything with her including her hair. I ended up giving up and Brandon dealt with her. So, then during the morning Brandon and I ran errands and I picked up a cute dress for her, or so I thought. When we got home after school she took one look at it and said. "Mom, it looks like a shirt and green and black don't go together, I don't like it. You really don't appreciate my style." With the head bob going again. I was so mad. Rosie ended up taking her to target and got her a fancy black dress for the night concert. Did I already state that I am really mad? Anyways, I am at a lost, I don't know what to do.
But on a happier note, I have the day off and Hunter and I have been playing trains and cooking supper. Although this morning I again had a out of control child, but this time it was Hunter. He always wants to go the Y but today he really didn't want to. (I wonder if it is that he had big boy pants on and was worried of having an accident in front of the other children) But anyways, I said no we are going. He throw a holy temper crying, screaming, hitting dropping to the ground in the parking lot of the Y, finally I throw him in the car and went home. He cried for a good hour. Then later we went to walmart and he stole a candy bar I made him walk into the store and give it back to sales lady. He cried and cried again. But potty training is going really well and has hardly any accidents.
Brandon has been hunting most days with no luck, the unseasonable weather has not helped. Hopefully this weekend though the luck will change, then I will get my husband back.
Today Lexi got punched by a second grader, she won't tell us why he punched her but when asked if she told the teacher she said, "Yup, and boy oh boy did he get it. Woof ta." shaking her head, it was funny. She got a little redness around her eye, but not too bad.
Posted by erikaschurtz at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A bloggers diary.
Today I started my first blog, I am in the twenty first century! Yesterday Brack Obama become our first black president, a day for the history books for sure. I was surprised he won by so many votes, I thought it would be a closer race. I didn't vote for him because of health care issues, but I do think he will be a strong president, I just hope my taxes don't go so high I lose my house, j/k.
Lexi is loving first grade and tomorrow she is having her yearly, concert. She just finished swimming lessons where is made leap and bounds, this time. She is now able to swim from deep end to shallow and jumps off the diving board. She is doing very well in school and reading level is right where it should be. Which is always a little worrisome to me, since struggled with this.
Hunter is a talking machine. He sings alot too, his song right now that I catch him singing is the "I love you forever, I like you always, as long as I am living my baby you will be." -- so cute. He is again in a daddy stage, for example two nights ago, I wanted to put Hunter to bed but because Brandon was there he would not let me. I grabbed his baba (yes, he still has one) to sway him and he grabbed it away from me and gave it Brandon saying "NO, you don't put me to bed, daddy put me to bed." Then I tried to follow each into his bedroom and he kept saying "No, No mama I want daddy." Even though Brandon told Hunter just let her, he insisted Brandon put him in his crib once in his crib Hunter layed down and Brandon requested a kiss in which Hunter had to stand for and he did, I immediately requested one myself. He refused to give me one, dropping down onto his mattress- he is just like his father only does what he wants!!!
Brooklyn in a walking girl, she sticks her arms straight back and wobbles to and fro ( Rosie calls her the drunken one, when walking) Her black eye is hardly noticeable now so hopefully I finally get on those one year pictures she has coming.
The weather has been unseasonably warm lately like in the upper sixties so we continue to go the park often, Brook loves her new found freedom to climb all over the toddler castle park. Each of the children had a blast for Halloween, Lexi was a black kitty cat, because we already had the parts from when I was a child and she wanted us to save money and then she could be just like Liberty (our cat), I insisted that money did not matter and she could be what she wanted but a kitty cat was her answer. Hunter was spiderman I was going to just wear pjs but at last second I went and bought the actually costume because I new he would think the mask was cool and he did, in his words, "This is so awwwwesome." Brook when as ladybug, she hated wearing it and cried for quite awhile at first. We first went to County Market and got lost of free stuff like balloon and food and then went to Sara and Fleety's to visit, we trick and treated in their neighborhood for about forty five minutes before both Brook and Hunter were to tired. Hunter started dragging his Thomas the Train bucket with candy in it, unfortunately somewhere along the line it must have popped open and he lost more than half his candy, so he only had a few pieces- luckily he didn't notice or think much of not having alot, just that there was some. I felt a little bad for Alexa because she wanted to keep going- but there is next year. We went over to mom and Bob's then and chit chatted. It was a good Halloween.
Posted by erikaschurtz at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Halloween