Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Smells Make You Remember Good Times

This past weekend Lexi was sick with ear infection, I brought her to quick clinic on Saturday morning, she fought me the whole way saying this isn't a real doctor, I explained to her that "No, this is a really doctor in fact it is my doctor and my friend Cyndy Bast, you will like her." Finally, I get her in the room everything goes well and while we were leaving I asked Lexi what she thought and she said, "I like her, she smelled real good." Isn't funny how smells is what children remember and associate things with. Like I still love the smell of my little ponies and the smell of Gain laundry detergent, it reminds me of my grandma. Or the smell of homemade chicken noodle soup.

Needless to say Lexi is feeling much better, and last night I took her to the movie "High School Musical 3, Senior Year." We ended up being the only one's seeing the movie, Lexi couldn't get over it, saying "This is so weird, I mean really really" It was funny to watch her look everywhere with eyes big and looking back at the projector. I could tell she felt uncomfortable, that we were the only ones there.

Hunter has been doing awesome with no diaper thing, he hasn't had any accidents for me, but continues to request a diaper, totally his security blanket right now and that is ok. He also has been requesting to sleep in his "big boy bed" which I also very excited about because that might mean that Brooklyn will no longer be in our room and we can watch tv and read before bed again! I miss our conversations before bed, I use to say they were the only time that Brandon and I "really" talked all day and I miss my scrap mags--I am nerdy they are practically the only thing I read right now at this point in my life.

This weekend since Brandon was hunting everyday (no luck) the girls and I went out to the willow to watch Stampeed, it was so much fun. I love dancing, even if I do occasionally fall with my best friend--thats ok just means we are really having a good time. We laughed and laughed and laughed. Music always puts me in a better mood. The kids and I have been dancing to Sugarland in the kitchen at nights lately they love it and it gets us moving.

I just thought of this funny thing Lexi said this weekend after taking NightQuil "It tastes like candy and smells like a Christmas tree."--Funny

We have decided that this year due to Brandon being layed off and the economy in the dumps that we are only getting our children presents. I feel bad but better to have a house over head-right? I keep thinking about the day when everyone isn't in such a pinch- hopefully that day will come eventually. At least, yesterday, I filled up my car for $1.96 a gallon, unbelievable I actually never thought I would see gas prices that low again in my life.

So my aunt Sue told me an interesting stat this weekend at my mom Sunday night dinner, she said "Only 15% of women have blogs." So, maybe I don't need a blog to be in the twenty first century but it is away for me to log our family events and right about things for future scrapbook pages. So, some of the stuff I write might not always make sense or be spelled right but that is ok, it makes sense to us-right?. And if anyone of reading this would like to say something back you can under comments or email me, I would love to hear from you. So, I have the make a ten minute list of.... (different questions that make us "us") so I am going to have a list once and while and if anyone wants to do one for themselves and email me, I would love it. Everyone knows my passion is scrapping.

Question: Make a 10 minute list of you personal accomplishments/milestones

My biggest accomplishment was marrying Brandon, even though we have up and downs, he is my true love, more then just a lover or friend, something I can't describe. My life would be completely different if I had never met him, I have no idea where I would be right now- not here. My three greatest gifts came from him which are my next biggest accomplishments. My children rock my world they make me know that someone so much bigger, then us is out there. They make me inspire to be a better person everyday, I am totally amazed that I get to be their mom, sometimes I look at them, I don't even believe they came from me. They are just so perfect! My next accomplishment of course was getting my nursing degree. It was really hard but I did it and know I have a dream job, I get to help people everyday and there is no bigger reward then that, knowing I affected someones life- it is great- of course stressful because if you make a mistake, you can also ruin a life, but it is still great. I hope future I go back to school and get another academic accomplishment. We will see.................and that's it for my ten minutes today.

One more thing before I go, Sunday night dinners are the greatest. I love that my family gets together to reconnect and explore each other. Oh and the food is good to, comfort food.