Friday, November 7, 2008

Blog Blog Blog

Ok so my goal today is to get down the seven loads of laundry staring me in the face. We will see, it is not so much the switching of loads I mind or even the folding it is the putting away that I despise.

Yesterday, Lexi had her first grade concert, entitled, Harvest Celebration. Each class sang a song, it was cute. Lexi was in the front row and dead center, which was nice for my amateur videoing. The day didn't start off so good, unfortunately Lexi is in a stage where she doesn't like anything I pick out for her to wear. The things I pick tend to match and are appropriate for the weather, unlike most of her decisions. Her and I end up fighting, which means she is very sassy and talks back to me and I end up losing my cool and yelling. Then tears start to falling hot and heavy from her and I ended up giving in some way or another, because I feel bad. It really is a vicious circle. Brandon is always telling me not to give her options and not to give in. But each day ends up going the same. I dread mornings in this house. Anyways, so this happened again yesterday, because I wanted her to wear a skirt for the concert and she didn't like it. Stating "Mom, I don't like it, I want to wear a dress but I don't have anything because you got rid of all my clothes. You don't get my style." With the I am snot head bob going. I got mad and then she won't let me do anything with her including her hair. I ended up giving up and Brandon dealt with her. So, then during the morning Brandon and I ran errands and I picked up a cute dress for her, or so I thought. When we got home after school she took one look at it and said. "Mom, it looks like a shirt and green and black don't go together, I don't like it. You really don't appreciate my style." With the head bob going again. I was so mad. Rosie ended up taking her to target and got her a fancy black dress for the night concert. Did I already state that I am really mad? Anyways, I am at a lost, I don't know what to do.

But on a happier note, I have the day off and Hunter and I have been playing trains and cooking supper. Although this morning I again had a out of control child, but this time it was Hunter. He always wants to go the Y but today he really didn't want to. (I wonder if it is that he had big boy pants on and was worried of having an accident in front of the other children) But anyways, I said no we are going. He throw a holy temper crying, screaming, hitting dropping to the ground in the parking lot of the Y, finally I throw him in the car and went home. He cried for a good hour. Then later we went to walmart and he stole a candy bar I made him walk into the store and give it back to sales lady. He cried and cried again. But potty training is going really well and has hardly any accidents.

Brandon has been hunting most days with no luck, the unseasonable weather has not helped. Hopefully this weekend though the luck will change, then I will get my husband back.

Today Lexi got punched by a second grader, she won't tell us why he punched her but when asked if she told the teacher she said, "Yup, and boy oh boy did he get it. Woof ta." shaking her head, it was funny. She got a little redness around her eye, but not too bad.