Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Work is not always a bad thing...

So, today is my first back from a week and half vacation, the longest amount of time I have gone without working since before I Lexi. And I was totally ready to come back, in fact, the last few nights I have been dreaming about work. I guess that it is a good sign, that I miss my work. I miss the thrill and the kids were good but I think they were getting a little sick of me and vice versa.

We went to the lake all weekend, it was fun, Brandon wasn't able to be there the whole time but it worked out. We took the kids to the swimming beach and we ran around chasing each other. Of course, Brooklyn wasn't scared of the water at all and screamed when it was time to go home. Lexi was swimming all over with no life jacket, but I was most impressed with Hunter. He started out his usual scared self but my the end of the exertion he was beginning to swim (an under water run, more like) but swim! He also didn't want to leave. Hunter and Lexi also tried swimming off the boat and tubing in Grandma's lap. Unfortunately, Lexi, Grandpa, and me got really really bad swimmers itch, and let me tell you there is nothing worse the itching everywhere! Lexi got it the worst and poor thing it is the second time this year already. Abby, Jason, and Charlie were able to join us for one day too, which was really nice. It is so sweet to watch Hunter with Charlie, he loves babies so much and wants to help and play with them. He kept asking if he was a "really really good babysitter." He even fed Charlie his food- so cute.

One of the greatest things about this weekend was the fireworks. On the forth we watched them from the patoon given by the Long Lake association and they were ok. Brooklyn was particularly cute, at first she was so scared running and burying her face into us, but by the end of the day she was use to the "boom boom" and just watched in amazement. But the real treat was the next night when Larry the Cable Guy put off his. They were the greatest fireworks I have ever seen!!! They were extremely close and set off from four different locations, the kids and I watched with our mouths hung open. They were so beautiful, tears came to my eyes.

Funny story that I forgotten about until Brandon mentioned it again this weekend. All the guys had been over for a Nascar Race, including Mike, Eric, Rob, Tony and Jon and they were all drinking beer of course. Well, Hunter wanted a spit sooo bad a kept begging Brandon, finally Brandon said "Sure." So Hunter took a big swig and immediatley got the "digusted" face (frown and squited eyes), took a exagerated swallow and said jn an abnormal deep voice "awesome." It was hilarous to know that he hated of little drop of the that beer but wanted to look tough in front of the guys. Got to laugh!