Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tis the Season

Oh my where do I start? Life got really crazy the past month. Brandon went into the hunting season with great hopes of taking home another trophy buck, unfortunately, fate step in and he threw his back out again. It all started after a few days of bowing hunting and walking the hills. It started as a normal low back ache and the quickly turned into a life alternating event, not only for him but all of us. Life quickly started spirally down down and down. Brandon spent almost the entire day on his hands and knees with horrible pain shooting down his sciatic nerve. He could stand for approximately one minute before having dropping down to the ground. He was unable to help with anything, he did all he could do with kids while I worked more then usual trying desperately to make money for him being laid off. Both his mom and my mom did all they could do to. The kids would want him to play with them and he couldn't, he was on multiple meds that completely changed his personality making him agitated and spaced, with emptiness behind his eyes. It was very trying and difficult times. We went to the doctor multiple times, he had MRI on Monday of this week, but we have not heard any results. Luckily, however, Brandon has started to feel better on his own. He still has a lot pain but not nearly as bad, he is able to help and play with kids, he even snuck out this morning for a hunt. He is no longer taking his meds as often and the man I married is back. And I am so happy!!!!! Challenges are so hard and there is times when I don't know if we can get through another lay off, another health issues, another disagreement. But when we get through it and look back it feels so good. And we are stronger for it. A good friend told me once "A relationship takes alot of work, you always have to be working on it." Which is a "duh", but means so much to me and I needed someone to simple say to me, it is not going to always be easy but it is not suppose to be. When I think of this it gives me strength for another step.

On one more sad note before I move onto my beautiful children. We have scheduled Brandon's big V for next Thursday. I am completely grieving for this. Brandon didn't really want a third and I got it. So a forth to him is completely out of the question. And money doesn't grow on trees and Brandon and I will never have enough for three we have. I would be taking away opportunities from their perfect souls. So, if I made the decision to have another child, it would only be for selfish reasons. Consequently, the snip is going to happen.

Ok, so what has been happening with kids?

We had thanksgiving at Judie's (it was beautiful and so good like usual) and Hunter sang "I am going to love you forever, like you always, and as long as I am alive, my baby you will be." In front of everyone, it was adorable.
He is really into speed racer right now and goes around the house singing and dancing to "go speed racer go."

The day after thanksgiving I had promised Lexi that we would put up the tree and decorations,she gets really excited for these things. So at about six thirty in the morning I woke to her face about four inches away "Mama can you get the decorations out now." I explained to her that we would have to wait until Brook went down for her nap otherwise it would be difficult. So, all morning every twenty minutes "Mom, can you put her down now." "NO Lexi she has only been awake for an hour" Finally, I couldn't take the wining anymore and I started getting the decorations up from the basement. As I opened the boxes the kids were oohing and ahhing. And Brook, just like I knew she would be, was into everything. Finally, Lexi starts getting frustrated with her taking things away, saying don't touch that, don't do that. She looks at me with tears beginning "Mom, this is not working for me, please put them to bed."- I felt so bad. I soon put Brook to bed and Lexi, Hunter, and I put the tree up. It was so cute to see Hunter recognizing the tree this year. He kept saying to me "It is so beautiful, the tree is so beautiful, I love it." Those things got to make you smile.

Lately, we have been playing musical beds at night. Last night Hunter started in our bed then went his big bed then back to ours and then finally ending in the crib. Brook started in the crib, went to my rocking arms, then to crib, then to the pack and play, then my arms again, then daddy's chest, then the crib, the my rocking arms again, then finally ending in between us in our bed- crazy!! I just have to remind myself they are only this old for a little while and I will miss it someday.

I have almost all my children's presents bought!!!! I love amazon.

Some notes about the pictures I recently posted. Brook loves to dance, she goes up to the CD player and the kitchen pointing to it, as I play music she puts one arm up in the air and spins. Right before Brandon back went bad they had a good time dancing in the kitchen. I love the picture of Brook by the tree, the colors are great, and blurriness gives it a magical feel. The photo of Jackie and Jamie is from thanksgiving- they couldn't be more perfect!!!!

Until next time.